– Ein del av Hardanger og Voss museum

– A part of Hardanger and Voss museum

The Westland exhibition 2023

lau13mai(mai 13)00:00sun11jun(jun 11)00:00The Westland exhibition 2023

Om arr.

From May 13 through June 11 2023 you can visit Vestlandsutstillingen/The Westland exhibition at Kabuso.
Vestlandsutstillingen is a touring exhibition since 1922. It is an annual Open Call for artists that holds a connection to Western Norway. The mission is to reflect todays art scene from a local perspective. Originally juried by artists it has since 1998 been annually appointed a curator.

  • Participants:
    Victor Guzman, Robert Carter, Karl Ingar Røys,Daniela Bergschneider, Grethe Unstad, Kristine Sandøy, Masoud Alireza, Klara Sofie Ludvigsen, Christopher Jonassen,Bent Erik Myrvoll, Vilde Salhus Røed, Eleonore Griveau, Marit Helen Akslen, Magnhild Opdøl
  • Curator: Heidi Rødstøl

>>> See the exhibition´s webpage


Mai 13 (Laurdag) 00:00 - Juni 11 (Sundag) 00:00