– Ein del av Hardanger og Voss museum

– A part of Hardanger and Voss museum

Kjetil Mulelid

sun21mar18:00Kjetil MulelidJazz

Om arr.

Kjetil Mulelid – piano

Kjetil Mulelid has distinguished himself as an inventive artist, blending jazz, psalms, and improvised music – and Kabuso´s concert hall and grand piano is a perfect match for his music.

Some press quotes:
– “So, lately, I’ve been addicted to the music of Kjetil André Mulelid” – Bird is the worm (US)
– “Mulelid leads his young trio with a maturity that contradicts his age” – All About Jazz (US)
– “Here and elsewhere, the pianist amplifies the material with intelligence and taste.” – Textura Music (CA)
– “Kjetil Mulelid is not only a fascinating good pianist who draws on music that goes as far as psalm, folk, classical and pop as free jazz, he also knows how to translate these into strong compositions” – Dick Hovenga, Written in Music (NL)
– “Mulelid has carved out a distinctive niche for himself, neatly straddling the cusp between composition and improvisation and avoiding the clichés of both American and Scandinavian jazz.” – Ian Mann, The Jazz Man (UK)
– “Mulelid presses the piano keys, as if he could make the difference between longing and melancholy, with powerful and agile cascades, ostinate increases, pearly embellishments.” – Bad Alchemy (DE)

>>> Mulelid´s website




(Sundag) 18:00

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